The Committee is always happy to hear from individuals who are interested in joining them. This helps the team be prepared if vacancies occur, and ensures that the group is in a strong position before each annual election period.
Due to how ambitious this group has been in the past though, it is important to understand what is expected of our Committee Members before you take the next steps towards joining the team.
IMPORTANT: Before continuing to read the rest of this page, it is helpful to know more about the Committee structure and the positions that exist on the Committee. Try to have in mind which Committee or Executive position(s) you might apply for when reading below. {.is-warning}
This section of the wiki will cover what is expected of our Committee Members, what Committee Members can expect to get from volunteering their time, and also information on how to join the team.
Expectations of Members
A few things to note first:
We try to define roles and responsibilities as much as possible, but you are expected to make the role your own. This means you should be able to identify where opportunities to improve current outcomes exist within the scope of your role, and which of those excite you enough to act on them in the time you will be on the Committee.
We don't expect you to have all of the skills needed to fulfill the requirements of your given role at the start. Part of our mission is to encourage people to be willing to have a go, and to believe that they can learn as they do. Attitude is much more important than aptitude in most cases. Of course, a drop of creativity won't go astray either!
It is important to know that whilst you will have your own formally defined responsibilities, you will also be expected to help others with various activities and events that the Makers are organising from time to time. Be prepared to be flexible in your responsibilities, and be able to pull up your sleaves and pitch in when all hands are required.
NOTE: If you're not sure that joining the Committee is right for you, but you still want to support the group, there are other volunteer opportunities that exist which may be better suited to your needs and interests. Every ounce of support really goes a long way. {.is-info}
The Formal Requirements:
These are volunteer roles. On average, be prepared to give about:
Five hours each week for Committee Members; and
Up to ten hours each week for Executive Members in busy periods
Be able to ideally commit to at least 12 months on the Committee
Be present, punctual and polite at all meetings – just remember you won't always agree with the majority of people and that is okay!
Be able to meet at least fortnightly, including during semester breaks (contact us to find out what time/day we currently meet)
Be a leader and a self starter – be able to use your own initiative to decide what needs to be done next
Be a team player whenever possible – help out a fellow Committee Member, even if it isn't your job™
Be able to learn and adapt quickly so that you can make the most of new opportunities that become available
Finally, some roles have a few additional technical skill requirements - but you've already read those right?
IMPORTANT: These requirements are not intended to scare you away from joining the Committee. We will always need all of the help we can get, and your support on the team will be greatly appreciated. Please think of this as a reality check to help you set your expectations right from the start. {.is-warning}
Because we run a physical makerspace and have some serious ongoing risks to manage for many of the activities we run, it is important you are aware of what is required from you if you join our Committee. That said, there are also a lot of benefits from doing so.
What to Expect Back
To get started, here is a list of the usual benefits that come from joining the committee of any student club on campus:
A supportive network of students with similar goals
Option to include volunteer hours on academic transcript
Practice your debating and reasoning skills, among other soft skills
Practical team experience you can add to your CV
Exposure to people with different opinions and ideals than your own
Sense of fulfillment from giving back to your student community
And possibly some great new friends!
And here is a list of some of the potentially non-obvious benefits from joining the Makers Committee:
Option to have up to 150 hours of your practicum covered for engineering students
Some of the best networking opportunities available on and off campus – you will meet heaps of academics and VIP's
Real world leadership experience to add to your CV that makes you really stand out among other graduates
Be one of the first considered for personal development opportunities and other rewards, such as paid training courses and trips to MIT
Access to resources to help make your most inspired ideas real (new events, projects, initiatives, facilities, etc.)
NOTE: Some of the people you meet as a Committee Member are likely to be great mentors, references, or even introductions that will help land your first job – if you make the most of the opportunities provided to you. {.is-info}
The Makers are unique in that there is a lot of opportunity to push your role and do more, but there is equally a lot of opportunity to be rewarded for your effort. It's cliché, but you get out what you put in. The good news is that there is probably a role for everyone though.
If you don't have the time or desire to push your boundries, that is okay as well. We get it, sometimes you just have to maintain that GPA.
You will still get the same benefits as you would from joining other committees if you join ours! You'll have the added bonus of being in a team that wants you to do your best in whatever you are doing. They will also do their best to help you learn how to balance multiple responsibilities at once.
Expressions of Interest
If you are excited by the opportunity to make a lasting contribution to current and future students, and you think you have what it takes to take charge of your role, then the current team will be excited to hear from you! Your next step depends on you.
You know the role you want, and how you want to contribute?
Great. We love people who know what they want and are willing to go for it.
Please fill in our expression of interest form and you will know as soon as we do when the next chance to join is.
Positions have become available in the past due to unforseen circumstances. So don't delay, and register your interest now if you are keen. Otherwise you might miss the opportunity.
You're still trying to discover which role might be right for you?
No worries. We agree that it can be best to find the right role for you before applying.
Firstly, do make sure you are aware of the various roles that exist within the Makers Committee (feel free to propose one if you think something is missing)
Next, you may want to get in contact with the current Executive Team and talk to someone about what future roles might be becoming available.
And finally if you haven't already, members are encouraged to volunteer for other positions before joining the Committee, and also to make sure you are otherwise an active member of the group.
These are the top three tips to help you get a feel of where you may best fit in our team.
What Happens Next?
The current Committee reviews all expressions of interest on a rolling basis. You will usually be asked to come in for a quick informal chat after you submit your form to discuss why you are interested in the role, and also how soon you are hoping to be able to join the Committee.
NOTE: It is important to remember that some roles may be available now, while some may have several people waiting to be considered. The rules of the group may also determine which roles are appointed by the Committee, and which will require you to be elected into the role. {.is-info}
Assuming that your interests align with whatever is happening in the Makers at the time, you will usually be encouraged to get involved with the leadership of the group in other ways for the immediate term (e.g. leading new initiatives, projects, events, etc. and taking on other volunteer roles). This will help you be prepared to jump into the Committee as soon as the next opportunity comes up.
If the current rules of the group allow it and the position is vacant – you may be given the opportunity to fill the role immediately on a probationary period. This occurs when there is a vacany (either because the position is new, or someone has left due to unforseen circumstances), and the role is usually apointed rather than elected (most non-Executive roles currently).
Good luck! We look forward to hearing from all interested members.
Last updated