Basic Tool Training

Accessing Basic Tools in the Makerspace

Everyone who participates in practical activities involving tools around the Faculty of Matematical and Engineering Sciences at UWA are required by the faculty to complete a basic tool training induction. This includes all students working on any project in the Makers Lab. This also applies to using basic hand tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, etc.

The UWA Makers are also currently responsible for booking in students from other student groups who are required to complete the tool training.

ℹī¸ Prior Experience

Unfortunately, there is no provision to be exempted from the required training – regardless of your past professional or academic experiences (this includes tool specific training completed as part of a unit).

We understand the additional burden this places on some of our mentors and other highly skilled volunteers especially, and we are grateful for their patience. {.is-info}

Completing the required basic hand tool training course through the faculty will mean you are able to use the following tools inside the Makers Lab:

  • Handtools (such as utility knives, scredrivers, chisels, etc.)

  • Power Drill

  • Circular Saws

  • Jigsaws

  • Recipricating Saws

  • Dremel / Proxxon

  • Enclosed Belt/Disc Sanders

  • Drill Press

  • Hot Glue Guns

There are four basic steps to getting inducted to use basic tools:

  1. Complete the online LMS module and save the certificate as a PDF

  2. Book in for a 3 hour workshop via the Access Portal

  3. Attend the workshop and bring a copy of your certificate

  4. Get signed off by the instructor at the end of the workshop via the Access Portal

Finding the Online LMS Module

Follow the steps below to access the LMS module. Make sure you complete it before you arrive to the tool training workshop.

Step 1. Log in to LMS using your pheme credentials and click the Units tab

Step 2. Type 'ems' without quotes in the "Organisation Search" form and click Go

Step 3. Enrol into 'Tools-Training' by John Walter.

ℹī¸ Completing the Online Module

Once enrolled, you can find and complete the module by going back to the Units tab and clicking the link to 'Tools Training (EMS) Online Component' You will need to read each section, view the video, and complete the two quizzes before the system will let you download the certificate. {.is-info}

Downloading your certificate

To get your certificate, you first need to carefully read each section in the module and complete the two quizzes.

Once done, you can click the link titled 'Certificate' in the sidebar and then click on the printer icon. You can use the usual print dialog to create a PDF.

Make sure you bring a copy of your certificate with you to the in-person workshop. It's fine to show the instructor a digital copy on your phone if you want to save the trees!

Booking Into a Workshop

See current bookings below.

Basic tool training workshops are typically held the last Friday of the month and start at 8am. Additional workshops may be run (typically in Semester One) if there is demand from students, and availability of staff.

⚠ī¸ Quota for Workshop Bookings

There are usually eight spots available each session. We require six people booked in for the scheduled session to go ahead. Please be mindful that workshops may not go ahead if there are not enough participants. You will be notified in advance if this is the case. {.is-warning}

The process for booking into a workshop may change from time to time, depending on when workshops are being run. As such, the best way to begin booking is by clicking on the relevant link in the UWA Makers Access Portal. This will take you to the right place.

You probably found this page from there, but here is how to find it if you didn't:

Step 1. Go to and login with your Pheme credentials.

You may need to sign up if you haven't already. It's free and you're under no obligation to come make anything or join in other activities if you do not want to.

Step 2. Click the 'Training' tile

Step 3. Click the 'Basic Tool Training' drop down

Step 4. Click 'Book into a Workshop' and follow the relevant instructions from there

Instructor Sign Off

The process for getting the inductor to sign you off for Basic Tool Training is very similar to the sign off process for getting access to the lab. Again, for those who haven't been inducted into the makerspace (yet):

Follow Steps 1 to 3 from the 'Booking Into a Workshop' section above at the end of the workshop (use your mobile phone, or other portable device)

Step 4. Click the 'Inductor Sign Off' link and ask the instructor to enter their Pheme credentials

Step 5. Your 'Basic Tool Training' dropdown will then go green indicating it is complete

If you are a member of the Makers who has access to the Makers Lab and has registered their campus card on the Makers' Access Portal, the relevant RFID locks protecting power tools with now be unlockable by you.

⚠ī¸ Be Safe!

Make sure you always ask for help if you are uncertain on how to use any of the equipment you now have access to. Always remember that access to tools are a privilege, not a right. Improper use may result in your access to tools or even access to the lab being removed at any time. {.is-warning}

🚨 Reading the SOPs

Always read the Standard Operating Procedures before you start work with any of the equipment in the lab. This is important as the SOP may change at any time. Ensuring you read them means we don't have to retrain everyone anytime something small changes. More details about SOPs can be found here {.is-danger}

Last updated