
Understanding the different teams within the Committee

There are two types of teams that may (or may not) be a formal part of the Committee. This includes the four standing subcommittees, and the ad-hoc committees that are created as needed.

Standing Subcommittees

To better seperate and manage the various responbilities of the Committee, all members are assigned to one (and only one) of four standing subcommittees. This includes the Executive Members who are assigned to lead their prescribed subcommittee.

Each subcommittee is responsible for a portion of the types of activies the Makers typically undertake to realise their purpose of inspiring other students to learn how to invent and make things. This includes an:

  • Operation Team who ensures the makerspace(s) managed by UWA Makers are kept in good order and well funded, and that events are run smoothly;

  • Community Team who handle communications, as well as organise recruitment, community building, and social outreach type events;

  • Education Team who ensures all of our members know the rules around safety, and that they have opportunities to upskill; and the

  • Innovation Team who are constantly on the look out for new opportunities for students to get involved in making something awesome while at UWA.

More details on what each team is responsible for and who is on each team can be found below. If you are interested in joining the Committee, it is wise to click the links for any position you are interested in applying for, and to read the last section of this page to ensure you know what you are potentially signing up for.

Operation Team

The Operation Team is jointly responsible for ensuring the day to day activities of the group can occur as smoothly as possible. This includes the maintanence of the facilities and equipment operated by the Makers for the benefit of its' members, and the broader community; the handling of logistical issues that may occur from time to time (i.e., knowing how to book venues for events, and ensuring there are no clashes for example); and also for raising enough funds to cover the various activities the group wishes to take on and ensuring any sponsorship agreements are being maintained.

The Operation Team also acts in essence as a support crew for the other teams as needed – both to provide additional people power as needed, and also to occasionally augment the technical skills of other teams. Because of the broad range of responsibilities this team covers, and the flexibility required to cover all possible requirements as needed, it is joint led by three Executive Members – the President, Secretary, and Treasurer – and is also the biggest standing subcommittee.

Currently, the positions on this team include:

Community Team

Education Team

Innovation Team

The Innovation Team is jointly responsible for

Last updated